Thursday, April 19, 2007

Supplemetary Task 1(Connections to the Real World)

Chapter 1: The disagreements between Ralph and Jack
Ali and his Cousin used to disagree on everything just like Ralph and Jack disagreed on rules the made. Jack wanted to hunt but Ralph wanted to make shelter. Ali and his cousin never wanted to do anything together and always wanted to boss on each other. Anything one did, the other found some problems in the his work.

Chapter 2 : The fire out of control
One day when I was a 12, I decided to start a fire in the garage. My mother showed up and I had to prevent her from going in the garage. After a while, a quarter of the garage was on fire the way that the boys in the story set a large part of the island on fire. I used a corn broom to stop the fire and water and soap to clean up the garage. All the burned materials were thrown out in a far garbage dump. I kept it a secret and didn't tell anybody anything.

Chapter 3: Simon is lost!
Robert's brother,Jackson, was lost in downtown Montreal when he was 7 years old. He said that he looked for him for hours because Jackson was with him before he was lost. So the responsibility made Robert to stay in town and keep looking. After a while, Jackson was found and Robert was happy again. Simon was lost and Jack and Ralph looked for him but he showed up himself after a while.

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