Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Lord of the flies : Chapter 2 Summary

In Chapter two, a new character came in the picture "Jack" who is a person who wanted to fight over the leadership of being the hunter which he wanted. Ralph on the other hand wanted to build shelter and find a way to survivor. The friction of Jack and Ralph is very little but the group of boys made a vote for whom to trust and to guide them.Fire on the Mountain Ralph calls all the boys, and tells them they are completely alone on the island, and there are no adults. A couple of rules where made up, for example"whoever holds the conch gets to speak." one of the boys who had a birthmark on his face tells the boys about what he seen which was a "beastie" that he saw somewhere on the island. The other boys are frightened and think they are going to be feast to the "beast", Jack on the other hand wishes to avoid the distraction and wanted to prove what side the boys want to be on. The hunter who would save their lives or the calm scared Ralph who wants to build shelter and stay still. In this chapter the decision of whom to go with is the main problem, would you have a leader whom he will save your life or whom he will keep you under a shelter. The odds say Ralph would lose this voting game, but it wouldn't say in chapter 2.


Jawad & Ali said...

The summary was pretty good but you had some grammer mistakes such as run on sentences and the use of incorrect sentences. You also used some events from other chapters.

Serkan Yilmaz said...
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Serkan Yilmaz said...

The summary looks very good, however, there's lots of grammer mistakes I found in your sentences such as run on sentences, etc.. You need to proof read your summary.

Robert said...

The only thing affecting this summary is the pattern of the events occurance but apart from that, everything is alright especially the image, it gives a lot of details to it's audience.