Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lord of the flies,chapter 1summary

chapter one sets off when a fairly haired boy was trying to evacuate from an accident or an explosion. On his way through the creepers approaching the lagoon, he met another boy who was apparently over weighted.The boys met somehow near the scar left by the crushed plane and so they started discussing about how the plane crushed. On their way to the lagoon,the boys were trying to know one another especially the fat boy.When they reached at the beach, the boy with fair hair who had introduced himself as Ralph took off his clothes and dived straight into the ocean.While swimming, the fat boy who also later on introduced himself as Piggy wasn't swimming but on the other side observing how Ralph was swimming.After a while on the beach, Ralph picked up a shell and tried to ignore it but then Piggy came up with an idea of blowing it because his uncle showed him how to. At first, Ralph ran out of breath while blowing it and as he got used to it, he blew it harder.The sound of this conch was able bring together most of the children who survived the crush.The more kids were gathering,the more Piggy asked for names.Finally, there came a group of kids who wore similar uniforms and were led by a boy(their leader).This boy was known as Jack Merridew. He was so confident in himself that he immediately wanted take over Ralph's responsibility by becoming the leader of all those survivors.


Jawad & Ali said...

The summary is pretty good and all the major events were fairly covered. If someone who hasn't read the book, read your summary, s/he will get a good information.

Jawad & Ali said...

the summary is pretty good. just add a picture if you could.

Serkan Yilmaz said...

Robert, I had a lot of problems reading over your're summary, but I still think it's well done. Please not the grammer mistakes before publishing it.