Monday, April 23, 2007

Supplementary Task 3: # 2

The development of the Conch. Chapter 1-6
At the beginning of the story, the conch is just an ordinary shell. Ralph blew the conch and all the other kids showed up. The conch helped them get together and choose a leader. Than the leader made up rules that sort of helped them stay organized for a while. It was decided that the boys couldn't talk without the conch, which gave more value to it. It became even more important when Ralph said that the meeting would take place where the conch was. By Chapter 3, the conch was a symbol of an important object, which kept them from breaking apart. But after a while, boys started to break the rule and not take the conch as seriously. Jack wouldn't let Piggy talk even when he had the conch. In chapter 6, in the assembly, there were a lot of interruptions by hunters and the Jack finally decided not to listen to Piggy who had the conch in his hands even after Ralph specifically told him to do so. The group broke and the boys started running around. They didn't want to listen to Ralph anymore.

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