Monday, April 23, 2007

Supplementary Task 3 (Ralph)

First of, Ralph is a character whom i can say is neither good nor bad because as you go through the book, he goes on changing.When he met Piggy at the beginning,he was friendly to him but as soon as Jack joined the group, he automatically changed and he started being harsh to piggy just like the rest did.He did this by not giving Piggy the conch whenever he asked for it and at the times when he gave him, he would look at him with disgust like whatever piggy said was useless.He was really unfriendly to him like when he elbowed him while Jack took of Piggy's glasses.As time went on, Ralph some how started realising how essential Piggy's ideas were no matter how Jack and other ignored it. This happen in chapter 5 when Ralph referred Piggy as being a good thinker and had brains.Ralph could always be on Jack's side but during the enssemly on the fifth chapter, Jack disobeyed most of the rules. This time, Ralph stood up and told Jack the reality about how his behavoirs were. At the end after Jack went dancing, Ralph instead stayed with piggy and the both had good conversation and this proved how friendly Ralph became to Piggy.

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