Thursday, April 19, 2007

Supplementary Task 2(Important and Interesting Events)

Chapter 1
Jack and the choirs heard the sound of the conch When Ralph blew it and showed themselves out of the forests. Ralph was voted to be the leader but Jack disagreed and wanted to take the lead himself. He failed but became the leader of a group of hunters.

Chapter 2
The group started a fire on top of the mountain to get any ship’s attention that might be passing. This was supposed to help them get rescued but the fire got out of control and spread. They ended up burning a large area of the island. Right after the big fire, the kid with the birthmark went missing and in not seen or heard of again.

Chapter 3
Jack and Ralph got into many arguments about what was more important. Jack wanted to hunt but Ralph thought that shelter was more important. In this Chapter, Simon decides to keep away from the group. He Watches the group from far but stays hidden.

Chapter 4
Jack’s hard work finally answered and he hunted a pig with SamanEric. Just as they were gone looking for a pig, A ship passes by the island and the fire is out. Ralph notices the ship and runs to the mountain to tell them to start the fire again. But, by the time he gets to the top of the mountain, the ship is out of sight. He realizes that Jack and the twins are gone and have forgotten about the fire. They miss a good chance of getting rescued.

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