Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chapter 4 Summary

At the beginning of chapter 4 , strange things happened like the glittering sea rose up, which basically moved apart in planes;the coarl reef floated up into the sky , and it quivered. The littun's started to build up sand castles, but Roger kept knocking them down. Maurice just followed Roger for their destruction and started to laugh. Jack asked Roger to watch him paint his face for hunting pigs. Jack and his hunters started to march for hunting while Ralph and the others went swimming. When Ralph and the others were swimming, they spotted a ship with smoke coming out. Ralph started to yell when the ship passed by. There was no sign of the fire when they noticed it. Ralph started to argue Jack because Jack wasn't around near the fire. He forgot about the fire and went on hunting for pigs. Jack starts talking that hunting is more important than being rescued. Piggy was punched in the face by Jack. When the fire was lit again, they started to roast the pigs and eat it. The hunters started to enjoy themselves with a wild tribal dance.

1 comment:

Jawad & Ali said...

You summarized lots of not-so-important events but missed some of the important events. (Ralph's argument with jack after the ship left, Jack hunting a pig and forgetting about the fire) was some of the ones you missed.