Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Chapter 6 summary

The boys saw a flying object at night and they hardly paid attention to it. The twins were on their duty on the mountain. They were to take turns on sleeping but they were both awake in the daylight. In the dark, the twins almost asleep when Eric called Sam. They both saw the beastie and fled the area. Ralph was the first to know about this and an assembly was called right away. During the assembly, the disagreements on the conch and the fire were brought up again. But the boys managed to discuss the main point. Everybody heard what had happened and they decided to go look for the beastie. Jack led the way since he knew the island very well. But there was one place he had never been to on the island. It was an old castle. Their direction was pointed the same way. They got to the place and Ralph was to go in because he was the leader. Jack went on with him to search but they found nothing but an empty, damaged looking building. Ralph motioned that the beastie was seen on the mountain and they had to head for it. The boys disagreed and wanted to stay there for a while to have a fort. But Ralph convinced them to continue.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Supplementary Task 3 (Ralph)

First of, Ralph is a character whom i can say is neither good nor bad because as you go through the book, he goes on changing.When he met Piggy at the beginning,he was friendly to him but as soon as Jack joined the group, he automatically changed and he started being harsh to piggy just like the rest did.He did this by not giving Piggy the conch whenever he asked for it and at the times when he gave him, he would look at him with disgust like whatever piggy said was useless.He was really unfriendly to him like when he elbowed him while Jack took of Piggy's glasses.As time went on, Ralph some how started realising how essential Piggy's ideas were no matter how Jack and other ignored it. This happen in chapter 5 when Ralph referred Piggy as being a good thinker and had brains.Ralph could always be on Jack's side but during the enssemly on the fifth chapter, Jack disobeyed most of the rules. This time, Ralph stood up and told Jack the reality about how his behavoirs were. At the end after Jack went dancing, Ralph instead stayed with piggy and the both had good conversation and this proved how friendly Ralph became to Piggy.

Supplementary Task 3: # 2

The development of the Conch. Chapter 1-6
At the beginning of the story, the conch is just an ordinary shell. Ralph blew the conch and all the other kids showed up. The conch helped them get together and choose a leader. Than the leader made up rules that sort of helped them stay organized for a while. It was decided that the boys couldn't talk without the conch, which gave more value to it. It became even more important when Ralph said that the meeting would take place where the conch was. By Chapter 3, the conch was a symbol of an important object, which kept them from breaking apart. But after a while, boys started to break the rule and not take the conch as seriously. Jack wouldn't let Piggy talk even when he had the conch. In chapter 6, in the assembly, there were a lot of interruptions by hunters and the Jack finally decided not to listen to Piggy who had the conch in his hands even after Ralph specifically told him to do so. The group broke and the boys started running around. They didn't want to listen to Ralph anymore.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

supplementary task 3 (changes of the conch)

the conch was found and it was decided that you have to have the conch to speak and wherever the conch was there would be a meeting. throughtout the book the conch changes, the boys decide not to use the conch for its uses anymore and no one cared about it anymore, they just forgot about the conch as if it was never even there.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Supplemetary Task 1(Connections to the Real World)

Chapter 1: The disagreements between Ralph and Jack
Ali and his Cousin used to disagree on everything just like Ralph and Jack disagreed on rules the made. Jack wanted to hunt but Ralph wanted to make shelter. Ali and his cousin never wanted to do anything together and always wanted to boss on each other. Anything one did, the other found some problems in the his work.

Chapter 2 : The fire out of control
One day when I was a 12, I decided to start a fire in the garage. My mother showed up and I had to prevent her from going in the garage. After a while, a quarter of the garage was on fire the way that the boys in the story set a large part of the island on fire. I used a corn broom to stop the fire and water and soap to clean up the garage. All the burned materials were thrown out in a far garbage dump. I kept it a secret and didn't tell anybody anything.

Chapter 3: Simon is lost!
Robert's brother,Jackson, was lost in downtown Montreal when he was 7 years old. He said that he looked for him for hours because Jackson was with him before he was lost. So the responsibility made Robert to stay in town and keep looking. After a while, Jackson was found and Robert was happy again. Simon was lost and Jack and Ralph looked for him but he showed up himself after a while.

The Lord of the flies : Chapter 2 Summary

In Chapter two, a new character came in the picture "Jack" who is a person who wanted to fight over the leadership of being the hunter which he wanted. Ralph on the other hand wanted to build shelter and find a way to survivor. The friction of Jack and Ralph is very little but the group of boys made a vote for whom to trust and to guide them.Fire on the Mountain Ralph calls all the boys, and tells them they are completely alone on the island, and there are no adults. A couple of rules where made up, for example"whoever holds the conch gets to speak." one of the boys who had a birthmark on his face tells the boys about what he seen which was a "beastie" that he saw somewhere on the island. The other boys are frightened and think they are going to be feast to the "beast", Jack on the other hand wishes to avoid the distraction and wanted to prove what side the boys want to be on. The hunter who would save their lives or the calm scared Ralph who wants to build shelter and stay still. In this chapter the decision of whom to go with is the main problem, would you have a leader whom he will save your life or whom he will keep you under a shelter. The odds say Ralph would lose this voting game, but it wouldn't say in chapter 2.

Supplementary Task 2(Important and Interesting Events)

Chapter 1
Jack and the choirs heard the sound of the conch When Ralph blew it and showed themselves out of the forests. Ralph was voted to be the leader but Jack disagreed and wanted to take the lead himself. He failed but became the leader of a group of hunters.

Chapter 2
The group started a fire on top of the mountain to get any ship’s attention that might be passing. This was supposed to help them get rescued but the fire got out of control and spread. They ended up burning a large area of the island. Right after the big fire, the kid with the birthmark went missing and in not seen or heard of again.

Chapter 3
Jack and Ralph got into many arguments about what was more important. Jack wanted to hunt but Ralph thought that shelter was more important. In this Chapter, Simon decides to keep away from the group. He Watches the group from far but stays hidden.

Chapter 4
Jack’s hard work finally answered and he hunted a pig with SamanEric. Just as they were gone looking for a pig, A ship passes by the island and the fire is out. Ralph notices the ship and runs to the mountain to tell them to start the fire again. But, by the time he gets to the top of the mountain, the ship is out of sight. He realizes that Jack and the twins are gone and have forgotten about the fire. They miss a good chance of getting rescued.